ABZU Tools Devlog - Part 1

I’m currently taking a week of vacation off work, and I decided to set aside several days of this vacation to attempt to recreate some of the tools from Giant Squid Studios’ brilliant GDC talk about how they developed the striking art of ABZU. (If it sounds like I’m gushing it’s because I am. The game is gorgeous and wonderful.)

Below is the talk, and the tool I plan to create is the terrain stamp one shown at 13:28

The talk has a number of clever tools and UE4 blueprint objects in it. If I have spare time, I may also try to recreate the fog doors (“Portal cards”) shown at 17:57.

There’s something I really love about seeing a good tool empowering design. Bonus points if it’s simple. I don’t have too much to say, but I feel this GDC talk is really worth plugging. It’s probably the best one I’ve watched and always gets me excited and inspires me to program.